The introduction of mass testing in Liverpool has brought out the COVID deniers and Conspiracy theorists, and I want to talk about what people can do to actually help stop the spread of disinformation.

This is imperative. By retweeting misinformation you're helping spread it. But more importantly you'll telling the twitter algorithms than this post is popular, meaning it thinks more people should see....
... the post. By interacting with COVID deniers you're actively helping the spread of misinfo.

If you *must* interact with one of these accounts, take a look at the follower count/creation date. Like this account, spamming the OP above. Created this month/12 followers...
... You've likely got more followers, & so by interacting with these kinds of accounts, you're amplifying their misinformation far beyond the small group of people this that would have originally seen it.

This isn't just my opinion there's an increasing body of scientific...
...evidence supporting this approach. (I'll post some links down thread.

So what can you do?

1). If you must share disinformation, don't quote tweet/screengrab.

2). If you see someone on your TL quote tweeting misinfo/disinfo, politely ask them to delete the post.
3). Learn *and* utilise the "truth sandwich" approach to dealing with misinformation.

This is a method of framing your response, by place 2 facts, either side of the lie, minimizing its impact. This method has been praised as highly effective in Taiwan.
4). Understand that *no one* including yourself is immune from disinformation. Cognitive bias is an integral part of our thought process. We're *all* inclined to believe things that suit our own personal belief systems. Watch out for misinformation that may fool you.
5). Learn how to spot misinformation.

Teach yourself to examine the source, to ask yourself who they're & why theyre putting this post on your TL. To *think* before you post.
6). Follow journalists/people who specialize in this field. @Shayan86 & @mariannaspring w/ the BBC are outstanding. @BrandyZadrozny, @donie, @CraigSilverman & @JaneLytv can teach you how to spot misinfo. @mikefarb1 & @conspirator0 know everything about twitter bots/sockpuppets.
I'm just going to post a bunch of links to further resources & reading in this area.


Information is the enemy of misinformation. The truth is a weapon that needs to welded effectively against disinformation.
Cognitive Bias, & the Conjunctive Fallacy. How *everyone* egocentrically believes *they're* the only person who can spot disinformation. This is important to understand how easy it is for *you* to fall for disinformation.
Final point. If you feel compelled to dunk on an Alison Pearson or Jullia HB, DON'T QUOTE TWEET. Take a screengrab, & share that. Quote tweeting Disinfo/CTers is the worse thing you can do.

If you only take *one* thing from this thread, let it be that.
You can follow @Aidobrien.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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