this is where i’ll leave PDFs, links,& other resources on topics i talk about (deconstructing patriarchal institutions like marriage&monogamy, mental & physical health, thru a feminist lens) & think other women will find valuable too. if u have recommendations feel free to DM!
“freedom fallacy”- this collection of shorter pieces by various writers covers a range of topics, the basis being critique of “choice feminism”.
“moody bitches” focuses mostly on how both our internal& external factors come together to shape our experiences, & why so many women are finding themselves feeling disconnected from their bodies. plus suggestions on how to tweak it to feel more in control
my marriage thread which consists of several articles with information on marriage & the nuclear family, what it actually means for women as a whole, and how that differs from the stereotype and assumptions many ppl still have about marriage
“untrue” is a really easy read that covers the basics of how monogamy has been harmful primarily for women
“this is your brain on birth control” another easy read that covers our hormones& how birth control has had widespread effects on women (&men!) beyond preventing pregnancy.highly recommend for women who have had mood & health changes related to hormonal BC
“the end of men” was an opinion piece& then a book.. extremely controversial reception (some valid critiques IMO & lots of “this bitch has an opinion” backlash you’d expect for a book titled “the end of men” lmao) here’s the shorter article
here’s the book version of “the end of men & the rise of women”. i read it a couple years ago and threaded some excerpts if you wanna check it out
“the ethical slut” focuses on poly&non-monogamous relationships in a more practical way vs talking about it from a more academic standpoint like one of my earlier suggestions. so if you’re curious or considering trying, this is a good “how to” guide
name don’t hit as hard as “ethical slut” but “more than two” is another guide on poly- i haven’t read in its entirety, but i’ve heard it’s good as well for ppl who are trying to figure out how to integrate & navigate relationship styles other than monogamy
this has been recommended by a lot of women on here. just started it but it’s my understanding that it discusses hormonal birth control more from a cultural& social standpoint. if ur lookin 4 something more sciency look earlier in this thread (brain on BC)
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