The next big e-learning platform should have a built in capability for tangents.

It's often the case that teachers see tangents as road blocks to completing the day's curriculum.

However, I believe they're vital to long-term learning.
If you leave no room for tangents, you leave no room for curiosity. If you leave no room for curiosity, then you diminish intrinsic motivation.

The less intrinsic motivation, the more students optimize purely for passing quizzes (e.g. cramming) and not genuine learning.
The endless question-answer cycle that is normally spurned by curiosity is replaced with shallow, temporary storage of key facts and procedures.

Questions should be answered as much as possible, even the tangential ones and even if it slows the class.
An added bonus: these extra questions help solidify the original curriculum in the students' minds. It's one more pathway for recall later.
You can follow @JoshuaLelon.
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