✨ Thread of SnK characters as French celebrities ✨
Porco as Jul (rapper)
Armin as the second Super Nanny
Historia as Jessica (TV reality star)
Bertholdt as Dimitar (Youtuber ? Tik Toker ? Both ?)
Hange as the first Super Nanny
Reiner as Elise Lucet (journalist)
Jean as Julien Doré (singer)
Zeke as le père Fourras (from the show Fort Boyard)
Porco (again) as Vincent (TV reality star)
Connie as Cauet (useless piece of shit, he's a tv host or something like that)
Eren as Julien (TV reality star, they're both evil and they don't take showers)
Ymir as Rawell (TV reality star, they always say what's on their mind and they can -and they will- kick your ass)
Pixis as Pierre Bellemare (writer)
Bald Reiner as Beauté en Herbe (Youtuber)
Levi as Giuseppe (TV reality star but idk who he is tbh)
Zeke as Astérix (I'll continue this thread until someone kill me)
Porco + Bertholdt's outfit = Tintin (I know he's from Belgium)
Armin (again) as Mercotte (TV host and pastry cook)
My fav ship ReiBert as Michel the engineer and his friend (singers)
Floch as Véronique Genest (actress)
Hange (again) as Nora Hamzawi (actress, humorist)
Dina as Sylvie Tellier (ex Miss France)
Porco (again ! We have a lot of Porco here) as Jeremy (TV reality star)
Annie as Marine Le Pen (racist politician, I'm so sorry Annie)
Erwin Smith as Johnny Hallyday (singer)
Adult Marcel Galliard as Julien (TV reality star)
Same haircut
Julien is the real twin of Marcel
Kid Reiner as Mimie Mathy (actress)
Moblit as Emmanuel Macron (France's president)
I have another one but French Bert stans will find my house and kill me if I tweet it 😭
Bertholdt (again) as Eric Zemmour (racist, sexist, homophobic guy who should be in jail)

I'm so sorry Bertholdt I swear I love you please forgive my sins
ReiBert (again) as Laurent Ruquier (TV host) and Eric Zemmour (you already know him now 😭)
The Galliards brothers as Paga and Julien (TV reality stars)
Bertholdt (again) as Jean-Jacques Goldman (singer)
Reiner (again) as Tibo InShape (youtuber)
Karina as Catherine Deneuve (actress)
Udo as Pierre Niney (actor)
Historia and Porco together 😍 as Hillary and Vincent (TV reality star)
Armin (again) as Mireille Matthieu (singer)
Eren as Francis Lalanne (singer)
Armin as Brigitte Macron (first lady) and Bertholdt as Emmanuel Macron (president) https://twitter.com/reibert4ever/status/1344733621240926209
Reiner as Vald (rapper)
Willy Tybur as Fabrice (TV show candidate)
Bertholdt as Anthony Martial (soccer player) https://twitter.com/BeruBraun/status/1366868250710200332
Historia as Marion Maréchal Lepen (politician, very in character)
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