Do you keep seven duffel bags filled with tools, supplies, manuals, weapons, clothing, chemical, toiletries, food and water? 21 duffel bags, 7 each for your home, car, and workplace for different situations, ranging from basic every day needs to complete societal breakdown?
Have you studied local NIMS and FEMA protocol for major outtages, natural disaster, pandemic, mass shootings, biochemical attack, and nuclear detonation? Have you memorized the road/highway setup, sewer system, AND the natural terrain topography 100 mile radius around your home?
Have you filled and sealed a 5 foot long 1.5 foot wide PVC pipe with a rifle, ammunition, and motor oil? Have you buried 10 of these in various locations around your county? Can you do 50 pull ups and 50 handstand push-ups? Do you compost your own shit and filter your own piss?
Are you tactically prepared to deal with the logistics of going to prison? Have you studied prison videos on youtube and taken Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai classes to prevent being raped? Have you learned autopsychological hypnotism to make yourself gay in case you fail?
Do you have physical mastery over yourself to be able to balance your entire body on one hand? Are you an expert gymnast? Are you practiced in parkour? Are you rated to climb on a WI7 grade icecliff? Do you know how to scuba in deep caves? Can you hold your breath for 15 minutes?
Have you gone through several years of medical school and minored in chemistry, with several trade certificates in carpentry, welding, metalworking, car mechanics, and farming? Have you located local aquifers and underground reservoirs? Can you turn crude oil to gasoline?
Can you jury rig a gas powered generator by reverse engineering an old lawn mower engine? Can you build a radio tower out of 3 ladders and a metal trash can lid? Have you gone through hyperbioplacebo conditioning to teach your liver to filter the salt out of seawater?
Have you taken lessons in skydiving, horseback riding, evasive driving for stick shift, piloting helicopters, conventional aircraft, sailing, boating, skating, unicycling, lockpicking, danger-realism escape rooms built by crackheads, self-hostage negotiation, and sex tactics?
Have you set up another wife and kids in a second home, alternating your presence to each family while giving the excuse to both that you're at work? Have you purchased an office building and hired fake employees to lie about your presence, funding it all with drug trafficking?
Are you fluent in English, Spanish, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, and Afrikaans? Have you memorized morse, ASL, AAVE, hobo symbols? Can you code in Javascript, Rust, Haskell, C++, and Malboge?
Do you have the know how and equipment to shoot sub 2 inch groups at 1000 yards? Have you used Accelerated Brainwave Drugs to train your eyes to shoot akimbo pistols at multiple targets simultaneously accurately while diving through the air Max Payne style?
Are you trained classically and contemporaneously with the piano, guitar, tuba, trumpet, drums, bass, violin, cello, clarinet, harmonica, and saxophone? Can you charm strangers using extensive charisma training from tutors they assign to presidents and kings?
Have you spent the past 6 months building up a tolerance to almost every known tranquilizer, gas, narcotic, and poison? Have you trained your body to no longer be allergic to anything? Have you gone your whole life never listening to music to prevent hearing loss?
Have you asked your friends to strap you to a table naked and waterboard you over and over again? Have you had them remove your fingernails with pliers and hook up a car battery to your nipples? Have you had them keep you locked in a closet blasting music 24/7 for several days?
Do you buy one way plane tickets to inhospitable distant shitholes in the worst possible weather conditions with no supplies, burning all your clothes upon reaching 75 miles into the wilderness and living off the land to get back to your home penniless while tripping on acid?
Have you hired scientists to medically induce temporary brain death while on a mixture of a DMT IV drip and VR goggles blasting visual and audio white noise programmed to translate instructions so that you can be tactically prepared to kill Interdimensional Gods in the afterlife?
Have you deciphered the secret code hidden in the specific facial musculature of every stranger who made eye contact with you since you were 7 years old, a code which will instruct you to make specific life ruining decisions that give you a 50/50 to wake up from your coma dream?
Are you aware of the 48 separate one centimeter large pieces of metal hidden inside of your various muscles and organs, which turn into a time travel device when assembled? Doctors steal them so you'll have learn to perform surgery on yourself to discover them.
Have you discovered that shadows and mirror reflections are actually separate sentient entities which mimic our movements? Do you know how to communicate with them and make trade deals with their society, trading memories you'll lose forever in exchange for Forbidden Engineering?
Can you train your natural prescience to the point that every possibility known to the future can be displayed through vivid daydreams, allowing you to copy the best possible actions you could take, making all of your preparation pointless?
Have you studied quantum mathematics to the point that you can shatter reality by doing equations in your head? Have you practiced throat singing vibrations to such a fine degree that you can unlock tools to calibrate the 3rd dimension make Mandela Level Changes to the past?
Can you train yourself to astral project and possess things, eventually hiring shady 3rd world doctors to chemically induce yourself into a coma and send your spirit to possess a celestial body, usurping primordial cosmic Gods and playing a power game to the end of the universe?
Have you discovered the complicated series of noises invented by a prehistoric race of now extinct Neanderthal-Celestial hybrids, a sentence in a dead language which takes 19 hours to say out loud and requires perfect pronunciation, its utterance propelling all into nonexistence?
No? You haven't done any of this? Heh, good luck, kiddo...
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