1. This is a thread compiling the most interesting threads of the 2020 pandemic. If you've seen a thread or even a single epic tweet that you think belongs, share it and I'll consider adding it.
2. The #LancetGate may get a few mentions along the way.

How did anyone who handle the Surgisphere study prior to publication think it would look real? https://twitter.com/Arkancideisreal/status/1264032084944814082?s=20
3. Here is James Todaro tweeting about chloroquine, clearly after numerous conversations about it, a week prior to Trump's first mention. https://twitter.com/JamesTodaroMD/status/1238553266369318914?s=20
4. @paulsperry_ four days before that (March 9): https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1237068715314892802?s=20
5. @gummibear737 will have a few mentions. Here is gummi's thread on Neil "Who-do-politicians-call-to-order-a-doomsday-prediction" Ferguson: https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1306605767630491650?s=20
6. Here @boriquagato lays out a nice thread summarizing the leadership of @SunetraGupta and covering many important topics along the way. https://twitter.com/boriquagato/status/1322522660279062528?s=20
7. I'll go ahead and drop my current pinned thread on Simpson's paradoxes in research so I can pin this metathread instead. https://twitter.com/EduEngineer/status/1322463443740483584?s=20
8. Not a thread, but one of the most epic tweets due to the amazing projects @CovidAnalysis put together. https://twitter.com/CovidAnalysis/status/1322159448136196096?s=20
9. There is little doubt that @Ayjchan's thread on the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 was lab-manufactured deserves high attention in such a list. https://twitter.com/Ayjchan/status/1320344055230963712?s=20
10. This tweet by make-believe Harvard virus expert @DrEricDing reveals a disturbing likely coordination of social media efforts to ingrain a sense of failure in the HCQ debate. (Look at the times of the tweets. This...appears prepared.) https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1263814135818719236?s=20
11. Nice thread on the missing influenza season. Smart people are still debating the implications. https://twitter.com/kylamb8/status/1317186379483406337?s=20
12. Great thread by @Kevin_McKernan on the complexities associated with PCR testing and how misunderstanding can be "weaponized to lock down society". https://twitter.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1320536482298384390?s=20
13. An important thread by @gummibear737 on the sad problems of suicide and mental health due to lockdowns. https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1320802036145885185?s=20
14. @JamesTodaroMD Evidence of T-cell immunity Part I: https://twitter.com/JamesTodaroMD/status/1292873236716433416?s=20
15. @JamesTodaroMD Evidence of T-cell immunity Part II: https://twitter.com/JamesTodaroMD/status/1294269049296297984?s=20
16. Dr. Urso takes on the stupidity of officials discouraging early treatment of COVID-19. https://twitter.com/richardursomd/status/1322687928548601856?s=20
17. @HairAvril sums up the strange tale of how former political candidate @DrEricDing managed to become the #2 ranked contender for the Intercontinental Virus Wrestling Championship belt, or something like that. https://twitter.com/HairAvril/status/1318172523134070784?s=20
18. I'll just leave this here for comic relief. https://twitter.com/EduEngineer/status/1322905361788141568?s=20
19. Another @gummibear737 classic: A reasonable comparison to the 1957 Asian Flu pandemic. https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1287056551245733888?s=20
20. What will be the ultimate death toll down the road? @letsthinkdeeply has an eye on the fallout. https://twitter.com/letsthinkdeeply/status/1322921263820611591?s=20
21. A little comic relief during these times... https://twitter.com/EduEngineer/status/1323249789186789376?s=20
22. While we're on the subject of comic relief... https://twitter.com/TaylorLorenz/status/1251954361133158403?s=20
23. A more serious thread on masks by @JR_38MUFC https://twitter.com/JR_38MUFC/status/1320396488967655424?s=20
24. This is not a thread, but you need to see it now. This is the aggregation of published HCQ early treatment research. Might the right cocktail and schedule save 99% of patients?
25. What is the proportion of false positives (hint: it's not the rate of false positives) and how will that be used to manipulate public police? https://twitter.com/JR_38MUFC/status/1307036538451251203?s=20
26. A great thread on how lockdowns kill. https://twitter.com/federicolois/status/1298630969356890112?s=20
27. While this whole pandemic thing was raging, an election happened and a controversy arose. I'm going to keep this here. https://twitter.com/EduEngineer/status/1325010950529970177?s=20
27a. One discussion of Benford's law application: https://twitter.com/ElonBachman/status/1324966557966086144?s=20
Reconnecting threads https://twitter.com/EduEngineer/status/1325088174205509633?s=20
You can follow @EduEngineer.
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