I just want to say that I'm tired of being chided for comparing american fascism to all kinds of other fascism, including but not limited to european fascism.
yes, America has its own fascist traditions. But what's happening now is actually both extremely precedented in a number of contexts and extremely specific to 21st century america.
and if "Nazi" or "Brown shirt" evokes a certain visceral reaction as a short-hand that makes you work harder to stop the fascists, that's good rather than, say, a problem.
We should call them Nazis because they are pretty much Nazis, but also because folks know Nazis are the bad guys. I expect the right to object, but when the left objects because it's not 100% accurate, you're doing work that helps the Nazis, guys (it's all men).
Now we /do/ need to do a better job teaching people about the history of government supported racist violence in this country and its relationship to organized political movements. And making those comparisons are good.
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