Resisted the temptation to retort but failed. Some of the things need correction academically with latest findings. Cultural chauvinism and other supremacy built on myths and ignorance are bound to crumble.
They say lute, flute and drum "travelled from Gandhara westward/to west".
One is historian of Mughal India, other is archeologist. I've great respect for both of them.
One should carefully search before throwing a tweet. The world watches you.
Anyhow, according to archaemusicology, many musical instruments have prehistoric origin.
Flute comes under the aerophone classification of musical instruments.
Huge diversity exists from culture to culture in terms of structure and sound production. The oldest flute (35000 years according to radio carbon dating) was found in Germany. It was made of a vulture bone.

It's a well established fact. An article was published in #Nature magazine 2009. Furthermore, a Neanderthal's flute has been found.

Besides, Flute (Xun, Chi) has important place in Chinese culture. Flutes unearthed there are 7000-9000 years old.
Even in a distant and distinct cultures of Pre-Columbian Americas, flutes were played upon.
Study says drums (membranophone/percussion instruments) are the oldest musical instruments. Some primates beat their chest to make drumming sound. It's kinda evolutionary.
The oldest drum made of alligator skin was discovered in China dates back to 6th millennium.
Though it was present in Ancient Near East, North western Europe and Africa. Drums were used mostly for the ritualistic, communication purposes among different cultures across the globe. In Africa, drums are venerated where music is an interpretation of life in sound.
Look at it. Isn't it beautiful and delicate. From 1st millennium AD Moche civilization, Peru.
This one, Dong Son drum is from 5th century BC Vietnam. The same drum existed as far as New Guinea.
In short, no one knows where musical artifacts are originated. Perhaps they originated and evolved at different parts of the world in various epochs among prehistoric ancestors like language and religion, hence we have rich diversity. Let's celebrate it.
The sole purpose of this thread is to trigger the mind of our youth to know about past scientifically to get ready for the future that is come. We have been fed with chosen misinformation and distorted realities for centuries.
We all have the right to know.
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