Written by a friend of a friend:

Never in the history of contagious disease have healthy people been forced into lockdown. Small pox, the black plague – sick people were quarantined, healthy people were not.

The world kept turning.
The idea of “lockdown” originates from Mussolini and Stalin, and then Hitler.

This second lockdown will rip to shreds the remains of small, family business.

We'll see suicide and domestic violence soar to even greater heights.
People who are actually sick will not get the medical attention they need. Many people will continue to die from isolation.

Are we honestly going to allow our freedoms to be taken from us while we sit passively in our homes, pinned to the news, doing the “right thing”?
Is this not history repeating itself?

Good people stood by while millions of women were burnt at the stake.

The extermination of six million Jewish people was carried out while the world watched, numb and brainwashed by rigorous propaganda.
From academics to investigative reporters, those speaking out against the data and restrictions, are silenced. Thousands of experts, forecasters, and highly intelligent people disagree with the direction governments are taking. They’re losing their platforms, projects and jobs.
They are blackmailed into silence. Never in this history of the world has freedom of speech been under such attack. The entire narrative is spun from fear and othering.

Common sense has left planet earth.
We need a revolution in togetherness, one that rises from love, courage and an ability to look truth in the face without flinching.

Our governments are never going to offer us this.
The movement has to come from us, the people.

We either rise together or we fall.

The time is now.

The choice is ours.

#SecondLockdown #EndTheLockdown #PeoplePower #COVID19
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