Trump is easy to understand psychologically.

He has narcissistic traits,which obviously & understandably rub people the wrong way.
Yet, he really is special in that he is above average intellectually, he came from wealth & used his advantages in life to build a fortune.
Interpersonally I suspect he sees others as mere players in his own story,but his talent for persuasion & manipulation means he is very adept at leveraging others.

Add to this with the fact that he is predisposed to be overconfident about his intuition when making decisions.
Is he someone I would leave alone with my wife or daughter?
Fuck no.

But,given the military & economic leverage the US has,he is someone I think who will be able to use this to the advantage of the country as a whole.
He's overtly egoistic in the way he goes about things; you can tell that this is a big part of the payoff of the presidency & his legacy.

Is he racist,sexist,or some kind of insert-demographic-here-phobic?

No,he just isn't a natural empath & gives zero fucks about PC culture.
He's a rich man with a big ego who knows how to play the media & people to his advantage.

America needed some Economic Nationalism to reassert their sovereignty, a pushback against the globalists & radical left, & less military intervention.

He's done all the above.
I like his style at times, at other times it turns me off & I wish he took a more circumspect approach.
He'd be unstoppable with a few more strings to his bow than just the brash,funny,irreverent & overconfident persona.

But I'd vote for him over Sleepy Joe if I was American.
I'm not even going to go into Sam's comparison with Bin Laden other than saying that it just goes to show how even smart, rational people get caught up in ideological biases.
My BIG criticism of Trump,is that it's so unfashionable to be seen agreeing with him on anything that even when his administration makes sensible policy decisions they won't get credit, & even world leaders fall into the trap of doing dumb shit just to do the opposite of Trump.
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