Called mom & voting Trump because she is Catholic & hate what the left is doing to churches & she is pro life. Anyway, little sister found out & lectured her & had her explain her view & tried to get her to change her vote. My mom didn’t trust her & dropped off the ballot herself
I thought it was a funny story because my mom never cared what her daughter did & proud that she is so engaged in politics (volunteering for the Democrats etc). But the same courtesy/respect isn’t reciprocated when someone thinks Biden vote is morally superior & impose their view
Of course it doesn’t impact their relationship but I thought it was so funny the way the Left & the Right are different in the righteousness they feel & why did my mom have to explain to her daughter. Shouldn’t have to. Just like my sister didn’t have to explain her vote/support.
These articles & the comments, usually judgemental ones from the Vietnamese people on the left, are funny to me because it shows that their liberalism only extends in so far as u agree with them.

But for every view, there’s an opposing view. Liberalism is tolerating that.
As passionately as they think the vote for Biden is the righteous one for whatever reason, usually just to get rid of Trump, there is clearly an opposing view just as vehemently opposed of Biden.

Not a moral choice & just priorities. And u have to respect the diversity of views.
These stories of people not getting along because of politics are exaggerated. Doubt either of them remember this past today. And usually, if a family/friend member is sensitive, people that care for them usually keep their views private. My mom will for sure from now on 🤣.
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