Why you should be protesting against ANY celebration of Northern Ireland centenary next year, a thread:
NI was founded entire out of sectarianism, out of militant rejection of democratic opinion in Ireland. Sectarian violence against the Irish population of Ulster was constant, and condoned by the Unionist government.
From its founding in 1921, NI was extremely draconian and undemocratic one party entity. Not a state nor a country, it enforced brutal and bigoted laws to violently suppress Irish Catholics and Nationalists using borderline dictatorial powers.
These powers (Special Powers Act 1922) gave the government the ability to intern without trial, torture prisoners, enact mass censorship, imprison people for speaking out of turn, execute prisoners, ban assemblies, and much more.
This act was then made permanent law until the 1970s-despite only being intended to last a year. The Unionist politicians also used the police to dismantle any Nationalist controlled councils and replace them with unionist ones.
NI was *not* a democracy. Unionists used gerrymandering and abolished FPTP to secure a fake majority. In some places, 551 Unionist votes gained 15 seats while in the same council, almost 5,500 Nationalist votes didn’t gain any. It was not a democracy.
For the 1st 50 years of its existence, NI was a place of constant and unending violence and oppression of the Irish Catholic community-a point of pride for the Unionists. But then we come to the 1970s, and the infamous Troubles. What then?
The Troubles was a conflict kickstarted by Unionist violence; both the police and Unionist civilians worked together to violently suppress the Civil Rights movement seeking to undo the injustices endured for 50 years in NI.
This then ballooned into a conflict between the British Army+Police+Unionists against Nationalists, both armed and otherwise. The Unionist narrative is that this was a campaign of terror by “the IRA.” This is a lie.
The IRA committed countless horrendous deeds-but in fact killed less innocent people than the British side did. Unionist Paramilitaries killed more civilians than anyone (878) with the IRA falling short (721).
Unionists claim to the moral high ground from the Troubles. The truth is that it was a conflict started, fuelled, and dominated by sectarian Unionist terrorism. They have never been “the good guys”, and have always upheld terror and sectarianism.
The narrative of Unionism is that they just want to celebrate their culture, and that Nationalism has tried for a century to terrorise them into doing so. In truth, the opposite is the case. Unionism has been a fatal disease for Ulster.
If you celebrate the centenary of Northern Ireland’s founding, you aren’t just ignorant; you’re actively stupid, and deliberately ignoring a century of brutal repression which Unionism is the cause of. Protest and hinder the celebrations by all means necessary.
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