Twitter timelines full of #Lockdown2. A thread of my thoughts.

Schools - especially Primary - I’m sure will stay open. I don’t disagree with this as we know that remote learning will not be as effective as in class teaching. However, more needs to be done to protect staff.
This may need to take the form of even more flexibility around the measures in place. School days may need to change a bit more to allow an even more diluted drop off and pick up routine. It seems daft that we are in a lockdown but still have so many accessing the site.
There needs to some support for attendance. Parents may be reluctant to send their children in, but if teachers are in class, then the remote provision will be nowhere near as effective. If schools do stay open, everything needs to be done to get the children in.
The government and the DfE need to recognise and accept that this year is another different year. Cancel inspections for this year as there is no way they can provide an accurate picture. Leaders are spending their time being operational and dealing with COVID case fallout.
As well as inspections, all statutory tests in primary should be stopped. They will cause even more disruption and the national picture will be so varied that the outcomes cannot show any kind of shared meaning. It would reduce stress and anxiety on teachers and leaders.
Finally, give schools what they need to be successful- fund them for the additional COVID costs and free them up to focus on quality teaching. And please, do what you can to support staff and leaders #wellbeing. We want to keep going but you can’t pour from an empty cup.
You need to be playing the long game. Getting through #COVID19 is one thing, but rebuilding afterwards is another and you will need leaders, teachers and school staff. They will be there if they are looked after and valued.

But I fear we can’t keep these levels up forever!
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