Younger daughter asked me an interesting question this evening. "If you were poor [in the 19th century], what would you be?" I don't think she expected my answer. 1/n
The thing is, without corrective lenses, I'm legally blind. I would've been disabled. I wouldn't be able to navigate the world outside my home without assistance. I told her I'd be able to sew, and cook, and make and care for babies, so that's probably what I'd do. 2/n
Maybe I'd have had a Bible with text big enough for me to read. I'm sure I'd go to church regularly because I'd love the colored lights and the sermons and the choir. That's who I'd have been in the 19th century. 3/3
[Think about how valuable it is for both individuals and society to make accommodations for people with disabilities. 4/3]
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