This is my last and final response to all of this. I am tired of the constant oppression of the white people in this fandom. BTS has taught us to all love ourselves and others. So is it that the white armys in this fandom are always so oppressed and discriminated against.
This is not fair and you know it. We need to stop. This is supposed to be a fun fandom. Why is it that my friends all got harassed and bullied for exposing accounts who encouraged these bullying to the white armys? I will be exposing the truth right now. I am tired.
Kim Taehyung does not hate any white people. He hates no one no matter what they’re skin color is. We need to stop engaging & encouraging these BULLIES who are saying these things.
You can follow @exposingtruth43.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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