aye boy i heard you saying the n word you better Chill out fore i get you https://twitter.com/johncarti/status/1322378474028322817
grab you by the end of ya hair and put you inna toilet filled with old Cereal then keep flushing until you pass out type shit
take ya favorite pair of shoes let my dog piss on em and make you wear em at gun point type shit
wrap the tie i gotta use for my suit in Court around ya legs and trip you repeatedly type shit
wrap you and ya mamas arms around a tree like you a witch and kevin gates kick ya Chest until you give birth type shit
take ya bottom jaw and put a leech inside ya mouth until it gets full then rip it out and burst it in front of ya mama type shit
no Cuz this nigga face pissing me the fuck off ia really grab you by ya pinky toe and hang you over a bag of hot Cheetos until ya nose hurt type shit
grab my blue snowball mic and beat you over the head with it until you start speaking in auto tune type shit
put ya favorite Car through a hood Car wash but instead of water its piss type shit
yoink you up by ya nose with Chopsticks and force feed you greens until you start speaking southern type shit
oh shit my bad this alot
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