The way I would fuckin give ANYTHING to have Rapture back.
Just standing there in the sweaty mystery of "what has @ArsonNicki curated for us"
To get photos from Keith and leave my card at the bar AGAIN
I miss just standing around uncomfortable, toes crushed but beautiful
The religious EXPERIENCE of putting on makeup and seeing more queer people in a single space than I ever knew in Mississippi. It truly changed my life every single time I went.
To be sweating profusely at neighbours on Thursday while @sativathequeen does "He taught me to yodle" again
To be anxious at queerbar during cast race judgement and then hear nitty gritty play 1999 for the 900th time
To hear "I wanna Dance With Somebody" while Ladie Chablis just saunters and smirks
👈⬅️When the
At R Place
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