Page 2: “Sometimes, the police contribute to an escalation of deviant behavior.”

Page 3: this little breakdown of different “gatherings”
autonomy? idk her
Page 4: “The most effective response to a growing crowd, if they are aggressive, is an impressive _show of strength in numbers_

The sleight of hand here is important to us. recall how the #DecolonizeZhigaagoong action occured
Page 6: use of positive ID to neutralize “feelings of anonymity” — this is why bloc is cool and good!
Still on p 6, a couple of interesting bits

1. Cops want arrests to be quiet, because they know that
a) dearrests are energizing!!
b) arrests themselves can be a rallying point


which is to say

overwhelm quickly
>maintain a position that eliminates possibility of attack from behind
>insert that clip of Thai riot police getting smurfed last week
next section is legalese but some interesting facts

p.13 OC (pepper) spray is authorized against passive resisters

(yes with conditions but do you think cops can’t/won’t invent them)
p.14 firing into crowds is prohibited UNLESS the cop’s firing at a specific person
alright this is getting spicy

p16 on anarchists doing anarchy
p21-22 on DAs and diversity of tactics — cops acknowledge this and study other protests/actions to catch up

tangentially: no cameras, no streamers, please!
p22-26 types of guys*

*sorry, protestor roles
p26 on “convergence centres” and safehouses
p26-30 “demonstrator tactics”
p30-32 “demonstrator tactics” (cont)

of note: photographing cops is in the same category
the next pages are about countermeasures (intelligence work, homebrew protest devices)

moving on, p38 is where the section on “team tactics” or actual cop tactics get discussed
p38-39: on the Mobile Field Forces, their hand signs and commands, as well as movement patterns
(that shouldve been 36-40)

p42-43: baton use
p44-46: skirmish line formation “the most basic & effective control formation”

again, much of it is a show of force
took a nap, back on track now

p46-48: wedge formation “to divide and penetrate a crowd” —> easier arrests and ID
p49-50: encircling “used to contain a group and (mass) arrest”
p51-52: separation
p55-58: the crossbow formation (line, arrest shown below)

objective: TO STARTLE THE PROTEST GROUP and cause them to MOVE

pay attn to the arresting tactic
last but not least, p59-60: riot shield
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