Hello. As the super typhoon approaches, I hope you remember to take care and take the extra precautions to ensure your safety and well-being:

1. Pack your bags with your essentials, just in case you have to evacuate immediately.
2. Keep all your gadgets in one place. Charge-
them. You can use your laptops as makeshift powerbanks if you don’t have any. Have your electronics in elevated places, and wrap them in waterproof material such as big plastic trash bags. Do this to your printers, desktops, etc.
3. If you have any important paper material, wrap-
those up as well. Especially your official documents and books. Don’t let rainwater get to them!
4. For your own safety, I would advise taking a small whistle with you wherever you go. This is a must (for me) in natural disasters. In case you need to be looked for and saved. -
5. Stock up on food AND water. Hydration is important. Keep some in a bag near you.
6. If your house has an upper level, please stay there.
7. Stay away from the windows and the doors in case the wind gets too strong. Watch out for flying debris.
8. Have a first-aid kit in hand.
These are very common sense tips but we all need to be reminded from time to time. In my experience, all the damages the typhoon caused us in the past could’ve been prevented if we had just simply prepared more.

Do NOT be complacent !! Be vigilant. Stay safe!
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