@ukhomeoffice just a thought being bored I was googling police search warrant cards thinking I'd be able to see a range of the REAL ones to be able to tell the difference incase of fake police making up their own in an attempt to scam people.
It was instead alarming to see a vast array of holders & warrant cards amongst other kit freely available online. Shouldn't these items be restricted from general sales & licensed to hire companies for entertainment purposes & must be able to be clearly identified as a prop.
And additionally some officers need retraining to show their warrant cards automatically when approaching the general public whatever the reason. Understandably chasing down a suspect they cant show a warrant card until the suspect is apprehended.
On a different topic the law needs review in respect of criminal damage. Long story short my mother owns and is the person legally obligated to maintain the fence between her and her neighbour. Over the summer the neighbour was caught painting her fence & was told to stop...
The neighbour refused to stop & continued painting. During the incident mother told him that the panels were to be painted black. He was painting orange. He said to mother he was going to paint all the panels orange and would OVERPAINT them again every time she paints black..
This process of him painting the 14 panels, trellis toppers took him about two month. Each time he was caught he was told to stop. In ever increasing volume levels of anger and expletives. I took photos and videos of this malicious intent criminal damage....
Handed it to the Avon & Somerset police in the hope of prosecution. The sergeant before looking at the evidence said to the officers sent to sed us that the CPS won't prosecute because they can't prove malicious intent. That's why juries exist to make the call not the sergeant.
That's why we need changes because officers are not doing their job properly. If it's CRIMINAL ACTIVITY it is a police matter. There should be an overhaul of the entire criminal justice system.
And ...i
If my recommendation of the Minimum Income Guarantee is implemented at the minimum rates set then theoretically crime should fall, fewer people will be in debts they cannot possibly pay back without switching debts from lender to lender such as family members...
Fewer people will end up homeless, more people who can work will want to work to earn more money. As the existing system that i was on but ive not had a penny of esa support for several years since it was stopped unlawfully. It wasn't enough to thrive on.
In my opinion the DWP tried to kill me. They succeeded in making me homeless at the exact time or close to it that it was announced that more was to be done to prevent homelessness.
I'm only alive now struggling to survive because of my mothers help who is on basic pension.
And why IF face masks aka face coverings are mandatory are they subject to V.A.T. this is not acceptable practice that you the Government should be engaged in. Clearly the home made & cheap reusable masks have proven to be ineffective. Hence the spread of the virus.
Professional type filtered masks which as at last look earlier on 30th October at Argos for £12.25 or whatever it was should be the type of mandatory face coverings. Clear visors on their own offer no protection from inhaling any virus or bacterial growth in the air.
Clearly clear visors are good for lip reading. But then a regular mask and communication through texts is even safer and most plans now include unlimited text messaging. This should be offered instead of clear masks that don't actually work to keep the wearer safe.
We should be testing people on a weekly basis. Those who test negative allowed back to work.
Everyone who tests positive should be GPS tracked for the mandatory quarantine period. This is a pandemic the rights of the masses outweigh the privacy concerns or the individual.
This must be mandatory and covert in the NHS COVID APP and importantly gps logging retained in the device if in compliance with the rules. If the app detects that someone has left their home then this should be flagged to the police & health officials to take action as needed.
And importantly we need banking reform to basic bank accounts so far as at present most people can only get cash out to pay cash in shops. With some shops refusing cash people may not be able to get essential food for example. Lets have these cash only cards replaced with
Debit cards..
Importantly I am well aware that this thread covers many Government departments. Please copy and paste to the relevant departments.
Remember that every department must work together otherwise we will never resolve the problems with our society.
You can follow @strongtrophy84.
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