Rig Ved 1.33. 6

Here Indra denotes the Supreme Praan which is spread wide all over the Universe. When this Praan is attacked then it is disastrous since that same Praan exists in each of the living being. व्यष्ठि(Individual Being) and समष्टि (Supreme Being) are one.

Those who achieve this knowledge never think in the extremes since they dwell and play in their Atma irrespective of any influences. This is the meaning of this mantra. Praan is the Supreme Tatva. Those who achieve this knowledge, experience that all the ignorance and

doubts have vanished.

अयु॑युत्सन्ननव॒द्यस्य॒ सेना॒मया॑तयंत क्षि॒तयो॒ नव॑ग्वाः ।
वृ॒षा॒युधो॒ न वध्र॑यो॒ निर॑ष्टाः प्र॒वद्भि॒रिंद्रा॑च्चि॒तयं॑त आयन् ॥


अयुयुत्सन् - Wish to wage a war.

अनवद्यस्य - Without fault.

सेनाम् - With army.

अयतयन्तः - For war.

क्षितयः - Humans.

नवग्वाः - With good character.

वृषायुदधः - To fight war in a manly way.

वध्रयःन - To run away from war as impotent.

निरष्टाः - Insulted.

प्रवाद्भीः - In easier way.

इंद्रात् - Near Indra.

चितयन्तः - Think about their weaknesses.

आयन् - To run away.

Translation; This mantra says that the enemies struck Indra's innocent army with their full might, but were defeated. Their condition resembled of weak and impotent warriors like the one which eventually happens when the powerful one strikes. Accepting their weakness,

they ran away.

Deep meaning:-Here Indra denotes the Supreme Praan which is spread wide all over the Universe. When this Praan is attacked then it is disastrous since that same Praan exists in each of the living being. व्यष्ठि(Individual Being) & समष्टि(Supreme Being) are 1.

Those who achieve this knowledge never think in the extremes since they dwell and play in their Atma irrespective of any influences. This is the meaning of this mantra. Praan is the Supreme Tatva. Those who achieve this knowledge, experience that all the ignorance and

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