The media is neither able to grasp nor express the reality of America right now. The reality is that we are tired. We are exhausted. We have had ENOUGH. We want to return to normalcy.

We want to be able to watch our DVR instead of cable news all freaking night to see what new inanity trump has produced today. We want to be around family, friends, or coworkers without that uncomfortable feeling of wondering what the cult is thinking today.

We want to be able to relax and know that COVID-19 is under control. We want to know that the president isn’t going to tell us to inject bleach or stick lights up our butts to treat it. We want to return to normalcy.

We want to return to a time when none of us knew the name of Eric Trump’s wife. We want to return to a time when none of us knew what Melania Trump’s boob job looks like. We want to return to the time when so called pastors didn’t worship at the feet of an orange idol.

We want to return to political discourse. We want to return to a time when you disagree with someone based on their policies or ideas without calling them names that even 2nd graders would find immature and ridiculous. We want to return to normalcy.

We, the people, want our government back. We want to be shed of this reality tv Jerry Springer Show version of governance. We want the racist, toothless, inbred morons who don’t know the difference between your & you’re to back to their trailer parks with their sister wives.

We want our country back. We want normalcy. We’re going to have it. We are the silent majority, but in the words of Teddy Roosevelt—we speak softly and carry a big stick—that stick is a ballot. We’re using it. We will win.


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