Okay so anyone that knows me knows my irrational fear of Michael Myers but my mom wanted to watch the OG Halloween tonight and I have so many questions.
Like how does Michael just know how to drive this station wagon? He’s been in a hospital since he was a child.
How did he break out? They just show people roaming around in hospital gowns but never explain how they got out.
How the fuck does he know Laurie Strode is his sister? He like sees her once and follows her around the rest of the movie. Like how does he know??
How did he even know how to get to his childhood home? There is no GPS in the 70s and he’s been locked up since he was like 9.
How the fuck did he steal this tombstone by himself? With nobody noticing? While he’s been stalking Laurie all damn day? How does Michael find the time.
Also, where the fuck did he get this infamous mask from??? I’ve been terrified of this mask my entire life and I don’t even know WHERE HE GOT IT FROM.
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