I'm watching Interview With The Vampire and I
I just need to talk
1) Brad Pitt is in every movie, isn't he?
2) The sets...the soundstage sets...she is not good.
3) I'm only 9 minutes in and Tom Cruise is already flying Brad through the air
4) Is this...the best movie?
I can't tell yet if this movie is supposed to be about Gays or if they hit critical himbo mass [CHM] and it just happened
Gee they really do just kill...a lot of women huh okay.
Brad is Moody
oh my god the himbos had a horrible vampire baby together is this Gay Raising Arizona
I'm not gonna tweet about the use of child actors and how it's always unethical because it'll be the whole thread but
Is this movie suggesting that the Great New Orleans Fire was caused by Brad?
Antonio Banderas is here we have arrived.
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