It is true that the American Empire will end as all things do, but not how people think. The empire will end in a massive cultural shockwave radiating out from it and creating Yglesias' One Billion Americans (and even more) but dispersed among metropolitan areas across the world
We have already felt the first tremors this summer with BLM protests across major cities globally etc

Simply put, the demise of America will not come about by losing, but by winning

"America/n" in that context will stop mattering as a descriptive identity
Which ironically will restart the cycle of localism basically city state culture and regionalism. When someone tells you they are "American," and you wonder if that means they are from NYC, Helsinki, LA or Sao Paulo, regional descriptors will matter again while "American" won't
It'll be a race between homogenizing tech and heterogeneous human local culture, between comms tech and the myriad locally encoded human shibboleths we develop subconsciously

Countries, including America herself, will have their identity rent asunder, The Great Melting Down
Gotta disappoint but this isn't a consciously directed and targeted process, it's by status game infiltration, seeping in unconsciously. Any place with status differences (ie every place outside of Pol Pot's idealized Cambodia) will be subject to it
Your options are becoming American-[your country here] foreverially Marvelialized fungible Disneytrons or Cambodian Year Zero Universal Squalor Nationalism, there is nothing in between in the long run. Choose wisely.
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