THREAD-This needs to be addressed, because some people are being mislead by false teachings

This mainly has to do with ppl in Africa, or Africans elsewhere that support Simon Toko being of Yah

Lets start here:
"God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar"
ROM 3:4
The STANDARD = Yah's word. If WHATEVER someone says is NOT in Yah's word then its wrong

I c how these false teachings can b presented as true & how ppl can believe they r, but whey u study Yah's word more w/the Spirit, u'll understand they are n fact false teachings👇🏾
There are some things that people say don't make sense with Yahshua, but make sense with Simon Toko

(Dont play semantics w/names, I know there a many names Yahshua has been called, let's STAY on topic)

Key points to remember:
1. Scripture needs to be understood more clearly
2. Just bcause GENERAL things apply to a person doesnt mean that person is of Yah. If that was the case then there are A LOT of ppl that could (and have) been considered from "God"

I'll address Scriptures & points that were given to me that supposedly support their beliefs:
It should be obvious that the term "elect one" is referring to Yahshua more than anyone else

REV 12:
It is clearly talking about Yahshua

V. 5 says "a man child, who was to rule all nations", and "her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne". Again, clearly Yahshua
ISA 42:1:

Again, "elect" is clearly referring to Yahshua, especially since it also says "he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles" in this verse.

ISA 42:2:

They argue because it says "nor cause his voice to be heard in the street" it means this can't be Yahshua.

But when u study this more (n the Spirit) u'll c n MATT 12:17-19 it says Yahshua fulfilled this prophecy in ISA 42:2

If u believe Yah is Almighty & doesnt error, then u'll know these Scriptures dont contradict. Verse 16 it mentions how Yahshua told ppl NOT to talk about him
THAT IS WHAT ISA 42:2 is referring to. Either you are correct & Yah is a liar, or the other way around. Which one is it?

ISA 53:8:

They say that this verse is NOT about Yahshua because he never was in prison

What is MISUNDERSTOOD here is that not all of Scripture is LITERAL
Some Scriptures are poetic or metaphorical. And as u should be able to see, again in verses right before this one, it talks about sheep, so obviously this passage is NOT literal

What prison represents here is the prison of sin, which is the world we are freed from (JOHN 8:34)
He was sinless so he never had to pay the DEBT of sin by being imprisoned-MATT 18:30

Yahshua was taken from the world (ascended to heaven), so he was "taken from prison (the world) and from judgement (what happens when we sin)"

The whole passage is about his being crucified
ISA 53:9-12:

They say this is not about Yahshua since it says "And he made his grave with the wicked"

But what they forget (or don't realize) is that he did we he died and while he was around sinners

I'm not sure why this is confusing.
What makes the whole situation about Simon Toko worse is he is based off of "...the Secret of Fatima"

"Fatima" originates from Catholic & Muslim teachings. And she is known to be "perfect"

This in itself is ANTI-CHRIST, or anti-Messiah, for those that want to argue semantics
There are more red flags w/Simon Toko & other beliefs related to ppl that believe he's of Yah, but I digress for now

I already posted things about this before, but I may add more to this thread later, depending on how much more needs to b said

But it should b clear by now
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