Arraignment Court Magistrates are “bail commissioners”. They’re the authority who decides bail amounts and conditions (if any) for criminals charged with crimes. Generally, preliminary arraignment is conducted through CCTV in a cell room, where the criminal is held/
However, a common tactic for a prisoner is to claim some BS “injury” so they can delay the arraignment process AND to inconvenience the police by being treated at a hospital. When that happens- the Magistrate must travel to said hospital to arraign the prisoner “bedside”/
That is a royal PITA for everyone, except the prisoner who generally relishes in creating more chaos. Lately, they’re utterly disgusting, dirty, smelly (not Stinky 🙂) entry level rioters and antifa-type non conformists who detest anything “government”/
SO- what happens when a Magistrate REFUSES to perform a bedside arraignment due to COVID? “Fantastic question Stinky, we’ve thought the same!” Since Police Officers are expendable liabilities for the city- the ONLY answer is to SEND A DETECTIVE and put THEM in jeopardy of COVID!/
In light of the mass arrests due to rioting and looting, you can imagine how many “injured” prisoners are lounging in a hospital bed, not a cell. HERE is what the best and brightest of the @PhillyPolice command staff concocted:
Now, a DETECTIVE on STRAIGHT TIME must traverse the city’s hospitals, subject themselves to COVID in these disease and virus Petri dishes of swill and USE THEIR PERSONAL CELL PHONES FOR THE NASTY PRISONER TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE Magistrate/
sitting on their throne within the bowels of the CJC. THIS IS HOW THE PPD CONTINUES TO DEMORALIZE AND SNUFF THE NON EXISTENT MORALE OF THOSE ON THE FRONT LINES, who are being forced away from their families and children for Halloween/
by being required to work 12 or 16 hour shifts with days off CANCELLED. Does anyone see the issue? @PublicSafetySME @john_mcnesby @FOPLodge5 @SearchWarrant1 @BigTrialBlog @Domelights
I should add that prior to this order, Detecrives played NO ROLE in the arraignment process. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. But NOW they’re being ordered to be the Magistrates flunkie.
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