Ive seen this pop up on my tl a couple of times today and this genuinely upsets me so much, the "i want to go home" bit puts a huge pit in my stomach
This might be a bit too personal, but this reminds me so much of a period of time in my childhood where i was in a cult for (1/?) https://twitter.com/uraflix/status/1321202136433176582
Lack of a better term
When i say cult i dont mean anykind of organized religion that *technically* qualifies as a cult, im talking like, the dark arts kinda shit, tho there was only 4 of us
To cut to the chase, this was a heavy part it
I remember being told (2/?)
That i was actually someone else from a different universe, and was trapped in this shitty one, they made my "true self" seem so much more interesting, to the point where all i wanted to do was die, i remember saying the same thing "i just want to go home" over and over (3/?)
I was 13 when this shit started, im 22 now and it still haunts me to this day, this is such an unhealthy form of thinking, all you do is obsess about the "you" you think you are, until youre reminded of who you actually are in this moment and its soul crushing (4/?)
Its depressing, yearning for something in such a way, while youre just wasting the life you got rn away
The only diffence for me was, this "true self" wasnt an anime character, or any kind of preexisting character, they were original, which made it so much harder (5/?)
And more,, isolating??
And im still recovering from this mentality and these beliefs to this day
I feel like im rambling and that this thread doesnt make any sense, but my message to anyone out there who feels like this to this extent- stop it, get some help (6/?)
Trust me when i say that youll feel so much better, and be better off in the long run
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