Bc she has tweeted to defund planned parenthood duh. Just Bc she is against abortions doesn’t mean she has the right to take away other people’s choices like other countries across the world. https://twitter.com/_nnb809_/status/1322298139597000704
@_nnb809_ yk i think abortion is ending a human life but u won’t ever see me screaming defund planned parenthood Bc I don’t use my religion and faith to push a agenda other ppl don’t believe in đŸ„°
She has constantly shown her behavior to ending abortions but that could cause a huge crisis in womens life.Stop tweeting defund planned parenthood& start tweeting to get better affordable healthcare for BC, over the counter contraceptives umm affordable morning after pills etc
On average teens start having sex 15 or older, you are not allowed to get birth control without a adult and many teens are afraid of asking their parents or parents won’t let them. So once I see her voicing on good and not on bad I’ll do as I please
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