The UK government core strategy of briefing papers a couple of days before announcing anything to see how they spin it once again being trotted out, we see.
What a shoddy way to run a country.
They don't respect us enough to just tell us what they plan to do; it's all furtive little whispers from "anonymous sources" so they can gauge how much damage it'll do to them electorally before they commit to a course of action.
A cowardly, deceitful tactic from a bunch of chancers with the all the moral fortitude of a faded crisp packet in a gutter.
These are people's lives. We're dealing with a natural disaster of unparalleled magnitude and reach, and to them it's a PR crisis. Their only concern is managing the optics.
People need to know what their future holds. Now, this pandemic is a constantly evolving situation, and uncertainty is par for the course, but that's all the more reason to *keep everyone informed*.
We cannot see what 2021 will hold. We can't even see what December will hold. But it would be handy to have some sort of notion what the next few *weeks* might hold, which the government apparently do, but won't tell us to our faces.
How is anyone supposed to plan their lives? How can they ask businesses to "prepare for Brexit" when it's not even clear whether they'll even be able to *operate* for half of the time remaining until the deadline?
We knew this pandemic was going to be rough, but we didn't quite grasp the full extent of the avoidable fuck ups we'd be seeing from those in power. This is an astonishing time in history.
There's a global pandemic, the only event in recorded history that has affected every living human being, everywhere, at the same time, and we've absolutely and comprehensively fucked it.
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