Dear @sarahforpdx are you and your campaign fucking shitting me with this?

Here's the thing, I fucking hate cancel culture. HAAAAAAAATE IT. But I also do not fucking understand how an alleged adult running for office does not address praise for mass murderers. I just do not.
Re-did the tweet because I was so stunned I couldn't even tag the candidate correctly

Honestly, this "ironic praise for mass murderers" bullshit stops being fucking ironic when you are ON THE BALLOT

Goddamn it. What the FUCK is wrong with people?
I am so fucking tired of this. I am disgusted. I read some of my [insert Russian relative] diaries before they were stolen from the family archive.

He was someone who initially *benefited* from repressions. The guilt drove him mad. It's a darkness that stayed in my family.
One of my aunts married a wonderful man. A bunch of his relatives were executed by *our* relative. How's that for a charming how-we-met story? It's not something we dwell on, but the visceral response to Soviet repressions stays to this day.
My paternal grandfather's family was completely torn apart by repressions. He grew up without a dad. He never recovered — and I don't think he wanted to, because recovering probably meant letting go, and I don't think he wanted to let go.
I've talked about my great-grandfather the Cossack here before. He changed his address every year because men like him were routinely rounded up. He sold his regalia to feed his family during the worst years. He still volunteered for WWII, because he believed in something greater
Every fucking day on Twitter some "ironic" fucking communist is trying to tell me that what happened to my family wasn't real or that, better yet, they DESERVED it.

Great, there's lots of idiots out there. BUT MAYBE IF YOU'RE RUNNING FOR MAYOR YOU SHOULD DO BETTER?
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