Once upon a time, I walked up and down a baking aisle looking for "cupcake mix." Eventually, I gave up and just decided to make a cake instead.

Today I am making Barovian Butterscotch Pudding from the #dnd Heroes' Feast cookbook.

What could go wrong?

Also, I will be cooking one other recipe tonight.

I'll give you a hint. Today, I asked a lady at the grocery store whether this vegetable was a leek.

It is apparently bok choy.
I bought a thermometer today. WHY ARE THEY SO TALL
How the heck do I just get the YOLK???
I did it.

But there was a casualty.

He never got to be a part of the pudding. 😱
I, uh, might need to start over
I am forging ahead!!!

To all the people commenting and offering advice, I love you and I am laser-focused (sort of) on this.

I have to protect my butterscotch soup.
Okay, okay
I asked @samcubarman to help me with the scotch and she insisted on "sampling it" first.

All in all though—and this might partially be due to my scorched tastebuds—it smells and tastes pretty good.

Here's my pudding in the fridge. (The rules say to plastic it.)

Rest, my child.
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