Show the fuck up for the vigil tonight. And please, for the love of god, remember to respect the family’s wishes.

If you plan on attending, I would like to share a few things about community safety for the evening. Thread.
There is currently a Facebook group called “Patriot PSA ANTIFA presence in Vancouver Washington”. This group is planning to meet up at 99 Saloon at 5 PM to “gather a presence”. Their intent is to “help maintain peace from rioting and damage to people and property.”
Additionally, Patriot Prayer has put out a call as well for “patriot groups” to meet at 5PM near the Fred Meyer.

99 Saloon is on the same block as the vigil.

Fred Meyer is less than half a mile away.
Both of these locations are to the north. Please be aware of this, especially when finding a location to park. If you park to the south of the meetup, you will be able to avoid walking past both Fred Meyer and 99 Saloon.
I know we ALL want ALL of us to get home at the end of the night. Please, prioritize your safety.
Take a moment to look at a map.
Don’t walk to your car alone.
If you see someone walking alone, buddy up with them.
We protect us.

Rest In Peace, Kevin Peterson Jr.
There’s an update to this thread. Please read.
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