Trump in Green Bay: "You remember I used to say, we're gonna bring back the words, 'Merry Christmas.' We did, right? Those big department stores, they liked 'happy new year,' I said, no, you can say them both. But you can't do one without the other. 'Merry Christmas' is back."
"There will be no heating in the winter, no air conditioning in the summer, and no electricity" -- Trump on what will happen if Biden wins
Trump on Minnesota: "Omar. Omar is our secret weapon ... she doesn't love our country, you know? I don't like people that don't love our country."
Trump claims that China's entry to the World Trade Organization cost Wisconsin a whopping 130 manufacturing jobs
This never happened. Trump is resorting to fabrications to smear Biden.
"Lock him up!" -- Trumpism is a hate movement
We're numb to it now but the way Trump has completely rewritten the history of what actually happened during his phone call with the Ukrainian president that culminated in his impeachment is remarkable. Up is down.
Irony is dead -- Trump just encouraged his followers to socially distance, even though they're at a rally that makes a mockery of social distancing
"Sup-er man! Sup-er man!" -- it's a cult
"A friend of mine said, 'you know, you're the most famous man in the world.' I said, no I'm not, no I'm not ... 'what are you talking about, who's more famous?' I said, Jesus Christ." #ItsACult
"You'll have no schools, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, no Fourth of July, no future" -- Trump on what will happen if Biden wins
Trump is very confused about coronavirus testing: "If I said, 'let's cut the testing down in half.' You'd have half-- everyone would say, 'oh, the cases are way down,' right?"
Trump says the only immigrants who follow the law are ones "with very low IQs"
"Blood all over the sand" -- drink!
People forget that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican -- take *another* drink!
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