What happens when you have a successful Twitter thread? (a thread)
I had a successful thread on Tuesday. This one.

The performance of this thread can tell you some counterintuitive things about marketing on Twitter.

Let me show you... https://twitter.com/kadavy/status/1321079961130774529
Here are my stats for an average tweet, as compared to the stats for my thread tweet.
Big difference, right? Those are just the stats for the first tweet in the thread.

The impact on my overall stats was huge. Notice how many impressions I get on a “good” day, as opposed to the days since this thread.

Almost 300,000 impressions since Tuesday...
This successful thread was to promote my new book. Notice the number of clicks on the link in the final tweet of the thread (my book’s Amazon page).

Compare that to clicks in a typical tweet – not in a thread – that includes a raw link.
Notice there were ZERO links to my website in that entire thread.

Yet see the impact on my site traffic, and sign-ups to my weekly email newsletter.
Many marketers have given up on Twitter. Their mistake: They go for clicks, when they should go for engagement.

Nobody wants to be forced into your “funnel.”

Give them something they can enjoy right here on Twitter. They will find you.

(end thread)
You can follow @kadavy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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