So, now we come back to the single most important line in the movie. Not with how it starts but how it ends.

"I love you.

You don't have to say it back though."
This dad, who earlier in the movie forced his son to say "I love you" back to him, was now giving his son the choice to respond. The burden of expectation was finally lifted from Miles allowing him to choose for himself what he wanted to say or what he wanted to do.
I love how the movie gave this sequence time and space. Realistically, the situation hadn't changed. He was still alone in his room stuck to a chair. But now he'd been given the chance to choose for himself. What does he want to do? What kind of person does he want to be?
Naturally he chooses to be Spider-man. That choice giving him control of his powers. Literally and figuratively freeing.
I could go on and on about this movie forever but I'll stop there. The montage was great because it was a satisfying payoff to a sweet, sweet set-up.
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