This is an enormous ENORMOUS slap in the face to every frontline healthcare worker who has put their body and life at risk fighting this pandemic. It's also just ABSOLUTELY untrue.

What an evil, disgusting, worthless, pathetic waste of human life Trump is. Fuck him.
I'm FILLED with rage
IF ANY of my followers are still planning on voting Trump- take a second and let the evil he is spewing in this video sink in. How reckless and self-serving he is. How disrespectful he is to the heroes that put on scrubs every morning and head to covid units and then head home
after their shift terrified that they're bringing something deadly back to their families. How tired and suffocated they feel after shift after shift in tight restrictive masks for 13 hours straight. And how devastated they are every time they have to watch a family say goodbye
over FaceTime or a phone call, knowing they've failed another family, another husband or wife, another mother, another grandkid. Just devastation, day in and out.

Don't vote for this monster. He has never cared about anything or anyone other than himself. He does not care
about you or your family or your job or your safety. He only cares if you catch covid because the statistic that you will become will make him look bad. Every decision he has ever made, he makes to directly benefit himself. Nothing else matters.

Don't vote for him. He hates you.
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