To anyone still defending Savannah aka @Gunznrosesss

Here is a thread of all the messed up stuff she’s done:

1. Used the N word in past tweets and when POC called her out she blocked them and allowed her followers to harass the POC that called her out
2. She claimed she donated thousands of dollars to BLM after the N word tweets surfaced as an apology. As if throwing money at a problem would make it better.

Anyone who asks her where she donated to gets blocked and ignored. She also refuses to prove she donated money.
3. When Covid got bad and things went into lockdown she decided to take a vacation and drive down the coast for funsies. She blatantly ignored Covid restrictions and she attacked anyone that tried to educate her or call her out.
4. She continuously flaunts how much money she makes while in a global pandemic where people can’t even afford to feed their families.
5. She made a OF “educational” account and charges $20 for it but hasn’t posted on it on forever yet is still taking peoples money for it.
6. She complained about Scottish laws against using drones at Stonehenge but then broke that law and used her drone at Stonehenge anyways because she “really wanted a nice video of Stonehenge”
7. She posted a video of herself and her family mocking Asian people while wearing traditional Asian attire. She also said “if you are offended go away”
8. She travelled to multiple countries during a global pandemic and lied that the reason was for work but she didn’t actually do any work while she was there. She did one collab with another OF girl but it wasn’t necessary for her “work” to do so.
9. She got herself a work Visa for the UK but again, she didn’t actually do any work. That’s fraud.
10. She has lied so many times about the stupidest things. So many lies.

She claimed she hired a lawyer and said she had successfully started a lawsuit against a guy on IG who was making fun of her but there was never any lawsuit.
11. She went to another country for elective plastic surgery during a global pandemic.
12. Because of the last minute surgery she just had she didn’t get back to the US in time to confirm she doesn’t have covid before the wedding she’s shooting this weekend. She knows she could be exposing everyone to Covid and she doesn’t care.
13. She thought that getting plastic surgery was more important than her own friends safety at the wedding.
14. She preached about how hard it is for brides who lost money on deposits for their wedding because of covid and claimed she wouldn’t keep anyone’s deposit but refused to refund her own clients $1200 deposit on their wedding until ppl found out and called her out on it.
15. Any time she does something wrong or problematic and people call her out for it, she cries about her mental health and uses mental health to try to make people give her a pass
16. She claims she’s an ally for POC and is outspoken on BLM but she deletes all the comments made by POC calling her out and trying to educate her on IG so that she doesn’t look bad. By her deleting these comments she’s taking away the voices of POC.
17. Right after her N word tweets surfaced, she claimed she was in a severe car accident & used that to divert attention from her racist tweets. Convenient timing. She never posted any pics of the accident or damage to her vehicle yet she posts every single thing in her life
18. She purposely retweets people that she is arguing with in an attempt to get her followers to attack the person. She calls people disgusting names and body shames people she doesn’t agree with. But then cries about mental health and being kind.
19. Back in July 8 service members died in a tragic AAV accident in Cali. At the same time she was getting hate for using the N word in tweets. The day the accident happened she LIED and told people that her husband was in the accident in hopes they would stop hating on her.
20. She posted a fake apology where she just made tons of excuses and claimed she had done nothing wrong end that people were just hating on her because she’s pretty and has money. She refuses to be accountable for her actions. She downplays her behaviour.
21. It’s been less than 24 hours since this newest racist BS she pulled and she claimed her mental health was dangerous bad yet she’s already back to posting about beauty products she uses. She clearly isn’t taking anything seriously.
22. She called the BLM protests riots
23. She posted a video to IG and Twitter where she is dancing around and casually pointing to phrases like “BLM” “Pro Roe vs Wade” “Pro LGBTQ” “Pro choice” that was clearly performance activism and when she was called out she deleted the video on Twitter but left it on IG
24. She posted a video demanding that everyone call out racist and homophobic comments and force people to be accountable for their nasty words. But refuses to let people educate her or hold her accountable.
25. When SavagePupperLover on IG called out one of her videos a s refused to take the post down she contacted his gf, family, friends, the companies that sponsor him and even contacted his chain of command in the marines to try to get him charged claiming he was stalking her
26. When G. Floyd was murdered & all the BLM protesting started she was silent. She never mentioned anything about BLM or her support of it. Instead she posted selfies & SS of how much money she was making on OF. It wasn’t until ppl started calling her out that she said anything
27. She consistently uses a different persona that mimics POC for likes. This is just one video but when she posted it it made me cringe.

She constantly speaks with a fake forced accent and forced mannerisms in an attempt to look and sound a certain way.
28. She and her friends once saw a man bleeding after a motorcycle accident and instead of helping the man she started taking a video of him laying in his own blood and laughing with her friends and posted it to IG.
29. Any time one of her followers asks for product recommendations she only recommends the most expensive products. It’s like she uses that opportunity to flaunt that she buys expensive things instead of giving the follower an actual recommendation.
30. Days after her “back injury” she was on video jokingly twerking in a bar in Cali but THAT MORNING she had walked into her work using a cane and was limping because she was “barely able to walk”

If she is faking it, which I think she is, she’s frauding the USMC
Cont. she is also very active, flops around on her bed, jumps around and dances in videos and lifts very heavy weights al while “suffering from a “severe back injury”
31. Even though ppl have clearly explained what she did wrong and why they are upset she is claiming that EVERYONE is only doing this for likes. As if to say that no one truly cares about POC and only care about likes.
32. She charges people large amounts of money for PERSONALIZED personal training programs but someone else in my DMs sent me the “personalized” program she gave them and it’s the exact same program that a second person DM’d me. Not to mention that they are basic workouts
Cont. things are blocked out to protect the identity of the person who sent me the DM. I do not have permission to post anything sent by the other person who also got this exact same workout.
33. This was told to me so I can not confirm but apparently she was informed within 5 hours of the AAV accident that her husband was fine but on all her social media she cried and kept saying how terrified she was and such for hours after she already knew he was fine
Nvm it’s been confirmed by 2 other people. She actually knew within 3 hours that her husband was fine but continued to pretend she didn’t know of he was ok for likes and attention.
34. She competed in and won the Warrior games that are meant for LEGIT injured soldiers. Even though she only ever seems to be “severely injured” when it works for her narrative. If she truly isn’t really injured and still
35. She requested the ceremony she got. That’s confirmed.
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