Feel very depressed about the whole #EHRCReport debacle. So, so wearying. For one thing, I felt forced to leave my own tribe - after 26 years, I not only left @UKLabour, but I also found that I simply could not vote #Labour. /THREAD https://twitter.com/gsoh31/status/1192360648602247168
And where has it got us? It *should* have given us all a sense of how fragile the protection of minorities can be. I lost count, among some actual friends and fellow academics, of: excuses; self-deception; covering; justification; whataboutery. You know the sort of thing.
It should all have been about the Jewish community - its right to live unfollowed, unthreatened by the oldest hatred. Instead, it's all been about one stupid, unimaginative man and one squalid civil war. Pathetic. Grow up.
The second party in the state has now got itself into a complete tangle, at the intersection of the law, personalities, factionalism and the interface between statecraft and the official Opposition.
It's hard to see this going away. Let C**byn back in, complaint after complaint will be lodged against him - including under the new machinery. This goes for all the MPs who've put out tweets covering for him today. It is never-ending.
There is good in this: every minority can see that there are people in this country who if necessary will fight and fight and fight again by their side. And there is a legal structure that will crank into gear - eventually.
But by God, it's all so, so tiring. I've looked again and again and again - why didn't I see it full-on? Although harshly critical from the start, it wasn't enough. It was inadequate to the moment: http://publicpolicypast.blogspot.com/2015/09/the-wrongness-of-corbynism.html
Just so tired. I know many of my Jewish fellow-citizens and comrades feel much, much worse. Labour failed them, and I'm not honestly sure that I can *ever* rejoin that tribe - not because of the Core Group Hostile, but because of the complicity of the rest.
It's been a sad story - ridiculously low-quality layabout wasters trapped in a web of bathos. Tragic, instructive, but so unnecessary. /END
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