I’m not a “you must own your personal home guy” and think it’s nuanced.

However, here’s why my first home looked like:
-bought for $235k with down payment of $13kish

-monthly piti of $1500 or so

-did super light Reno (like $15k or less)

-appraised for $300k 2 yrs after purchase
-abused credit line to 100% LTV to buy a lot of stuff by drawing up and down

-sold house for $340k 6 yrs after purchase
I know it’s lucky and I don’t consider it skill in the least but you don’t have the chance to get lucky like this if you’re a renter by choice.

Also, importantly, my “abuse” of the credit line was only to buy things that spit off cash and then I applied that cash to paying down
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