Moth 🦋 An Analysis.

The most beautiful metamorphosis is the one we get to see from G’s very own heart. He has supported LGBTQ rights and clearly stated that love is love. But, supporting something in general isn’t quite the same as sharing your own identity.

Granted, since+
coming out is a very personal and individual thing, my thoughts today are just speculation and pure appreciation. I’m writing this because I feel proud and moved to tears at the possible implications. But I wanted to stress that only G is the one who can do the official word+

Anyway, I’ve noticed lately that all G’s projects have a common theme. They all seem to revolve around keywords such as Hidden, Secret, True-Self, Unique, etc. G is showing us a secret side of him with Moth. And the true him with his emoji birthday event. Lately, it+
feels like G is trying to tell us something, or at least lay the groundwork for something special.

Granted, there could be some other secret side of G we don’t know about. He could fight crime at night. We don’t know for sure. But, either way, I have confidence in saying that+
it’s all building up to something. Just like my previous thread about MG’s master plan coming together to reveal their relationship, this step of G’s is an important piece to that puzzle.

As we all know, M spoke about his stance before saying how gender doesn’t matter to him at+
all and that he loves who he loves. He didn’t exactly say he is pan, but that seems to be what he has implied. Or perhaps bi. The point is that he has in a way already come out. But Gulf has never made any personal statement about himself and sexuality.

Of course, we can all+
make connections to options since he’s dating M. But we still don’t know exactly. Some options are that G could be bi, pan, or gay (just because someone has dated a specific gender in the past doesn’t mean that defines their identity). I have my own hunch about that, but+
guessing his specific sexuality is not the point of this post, so I won’t go there. It’s more about appreciating his courage.

Why is this reveal important in the scope of their overarching plan? Because it’s something really special and important for G to reveal his identity+
as an individual on his own terms first. When MG come out with their official title as a couple that will automatically out G officially. So, doing it on his own first in his own creative expression is beautiful. I think it shows sensitivity and maturity to do it in that order+
so that G’s moment isn’t taken away from him.
G planned everything about this project. Each element is not random but carefully orchestrated.

Moth. Why did G choose that? It’s a symbol that represents three main concepts: mystery, darkness/light, and transformation. I believe+
he chose it to imply his sexuality, the side of himself he’s never shown us. One that is a mystery. We don’t know his journey to come into his identity, but finding that out about himself and revealing it to everyone is a transformation from one public image into another. Coming+
out of the darkness and into the light. Showing who he is and how he feels about himself. As he said, proud to be himself.

Sexuality is not defined by clothing, but I do think that being comfortable in your own skin and your sexuality allows us to be ourselves more than ever.+
To not let ourselves be constrained by heteronormative stereotypes. G can embrace both his masculinity and his femininity if he so chooses. I noticed that he is being more open in the ways he chooses to express himself. Despite clothing being both genderless and sexuality free,+
it’s still a means of expression. The way G carries himself as of late shows that he is comfortable with who he is and that’s beautiful.

Also, we are already seeing symbolism not only in the brand name but also the videos. G looks like he is breaking free, coming out from+
hiding. Opening himself up. Going through his metamorphosis.

There is still a lot of content left in his projects, so there is more to be revealed I’m quite sure. But so far, all I can say is that I’m damn proud of him. Even if he doesn’t choose to say the words overtly, he is+
showing the world he is proud of who he is and showing how comfortable he’s become being himself. That’s not always an easy feat for everyone, but G is showing the world his strength.

Let’s keep allowing him to take the lead and reveal to us exactly what he wants and how he+
wants to do it. We are fortunate to support and follow such an incredible individual. He may not realize it, but he makes a great role model. He will change lives and even save them. I know for sure he has already.+
So let’s keep waiting and see what other hidden things G has in store for us next. 🦋
Note: This is all speculation, only G can come out. But I wanted to appreciate him and consider what it could all mean. I am so proud of him no matter what. And none of this is intended to offend anyone. I know topics on identity can be sensitive. Thank you for understanding!
Here is my connected thread about MG's overarching plan if you missed it and want to check it out.
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