1/ hey @FatEmperor this guys is a legend, check him out

He starts out by telling the journalist that the first question he should be asked is whether or not he has any conflicts of interests to declare
2/ He then says lockdowns are irresponsible because the harms largely outweigh the debatable benefits as evidenced by the first lockdown in France. and that this is the approach in medicine to the lockdown question, benefits vs harms
3/ He acknowledges that yes indeed, something of note is happening, but we know specifically who’s most at risk: we should protect them with N95s, stop pretending the clinical masks make any difference to the general population. Just stop pissing off French people! Let ‘em live!
4/ he then goes through the outsized downside of lockdowns:

Sanitary, social, economic and systemic

There are loads of untreated people with non-revascularized infarcts
5/ then all sorts of undiagnosed cancers that are 3-6 months more advanced than they should be, and even some presentations we haven’t seen in 30 years!

All this is making up for the COVID deaths
6/ he says there are also rapid mental decline in the socially isolated elderly & handicapped. That socially distanced kids are going the way of romanian orphans from 30yrs ago who are all fucked up because of a lack of socialization https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/07/can-an-unloved-child-learn-to-love/612253/
7/ these kids are having retardations in word articulation & trouble associating them with phonemes

In truth, it’s driving us all crazy!
8/ he says stop wasting time barring doctors from using hydroxycloroquine whether or not you think it works, as well as azithromycon & zinc. And stop doing that to push remdesevir. instead, go investigate the conflicts of interest with it in the french scientific committee
9/ let restaurants, bars and other places open, just make sure the ederly, the obese, the diabetics etc. have N95s & are protected. And fund hospitals more!

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