A terminator movie where skynet begins as a social media algorithm.

No hulking Austrians, no nukes, no real fighting.

It simply is *extremely* persuasive.
Skynet more like Hannibal, or a devil, or a fairy creature.
You wouldn't know it's a terminator movie at all. You'd people manipulated, manipulating others, matrioshka layers of gambits setting protagonists' incentives against each other, etc
Like: it needs to kill a person for a specific reason.

It does the easiest, cheapest, simplest option: getting that person to destroy themselves.

While, for good measure, spreading a conspiracy theory about them to put a stochastic target on their back
A terminator movie where you never actually see it, only the effects of its persuasion and manipulation.
At best, a protagonist could trace those manipulations, paranoid that they are only being allowed to see a trail of crumbs because it *wants* them to.

Skynet as a Shadowrun dragon, basically.
You'd see what you think is the protagonist, die in the first 10 minutes chasing a manipulation that manipulated them into being at that exact time and place.
A good terminator movie would have zero hulking austrians, no grenade launchers, nrt a single empty industrial location.

Just pursuit by a faceless, inscrutable enemy with unknown powers
Like: imagine a scene where 300 people are each independently manipulated to show up somewhere and say a word more loudly than usual.

The target, while grocery shopping, hears the message chanted in unison by hundreds of unknowing people.
Basically: give Bryan Fuller the terminator, tell him the only rule is no robots allowed, and that each character has play as if they are being tormented by a demon.

And a marvel movie budget.
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