Tonight’s reading. Honestly, this is really like, objectively good, but especially when you consider it was probably just all banged out in one go at the computer? @ChuckTingle is a flipping genius and thank you @thegaylyprophet for telling me to read this.
crying with delight
End me now
Also, it’s legitimately a really great book about writer’s block? Any writer/academic/creator of any kind really should be able to relate.
Infinite grad school feels
This is legitimately the most wholesome and emotionally mature end to a sexual encounter I have ever seen in any medium (following lots of good modeling of open sexual communication, enthusiastic consent, and respect for your partner’s body). Just... damn.
It’s both this really gorgeous description of self-determination in a world that wants to define yourself for you, and a beautiful insistence that characters we love can still be meaningful to us even when authors turn out to be assholes

My HEART what is this book doing to me 💔
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but:
I am literally going to be going back and rereading these passages on bad days. I want to do them up in calligraphy and embroider them on throw pillows.
In addition to being about the joys and frustrations of making stuff (books, music, art), there’s also this really important refusal to accept the toxic idea that productivity requires pain. This has HAUNTED me working on my own book. Harriet Porber is healing me.
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