Around 60 PEOPLE are going to be EVICTED from the Extended Stay hotel on Sunday. Most of these people BIPOC, elderly, and medically high risk. Where exactly are these people supposed to go? Where exactly is this CARES Act money going if not to the houseless?
People will be evicted by @Hennepin under the watch of @MayorFrey and @GovTimWalz, neither of whom have provided any alternative solutions. There are no shelter beds left even if folks wanted them. What the fuck kind of cruelty.
DONATE TO ZACAH. They provide hotel rooms for houseless folks and have been integral to displacement support. They don't receive any grant funding or state help, they rely on us.
To donate more directly:
Venmo @ korpace 
Cashapp $rehomefolks
You can follow @TCparkresponder.
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