~It's Time for a #nanowrimo2020 thread~

Sorry For The Blood

The Magicians X American Gods
'Human and Magician societies have existed in a tense, bitter truce for hundreds of years. So it should be a relief, this great good thing, when the Magicians finally relent and agree to share the secrets of their magic. But the joke is, as always, on the humans. (1/?)
The truth is that magic comes from death. From pain. From fear. And on September 8th 2016 a rogue magician does grant magic to a group of grad students he meets in a pub. He just only happens to leave one of them alive. (2/?)
Survivor Miah Rourke has dreamed of magic his whole life. Now that he has it, now that he is finally the hero he always dreamed of being he cannot believe what it has cost him. And when the powers he should never have had to begin with begin to threaten his family (3/?)
he must find a way to rid himself of one of only two things he's ever really wanted. The only place he can think of to start? His ex-girlfriend, Laing Colwin, a high Magician with her own reasons to get rid of magic just as fast as she can.' (4/?)
My plan is to write a full first draft of this by the end of November. I have written almost nothing so far (except for teeny bits just for fun). I'm going to try and write 50 one-thousand-word-long chapters. (5/?)
If I don't finish the chapter before 1000 words is up? I'll move onto the next chapter. I'll tie those ends up during Draft Two. I'm excited! Also terrified! Mostly that last one! (6/?)

1. Soft boys and monstrous girls
2. Turns out your childhood faves suck, actually (is this a trope? It should be)
3. Exes-to grudging allies-to friends-to lovers excellence (7/?)
And to celebrate me actually, FINALLY, getting around to starting this thread please enjoy the only snippet of this i have even begun to write, the first of many delightful exchange between Laing and Miah (8/?)
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