A while ago the city put out a request for bus companies ready to guarantee transportation for 300 riot cops to use chemical weapons and batons to terrorize, brutalize, and disrupt civil disobedience actions in the city.
In the wake of the elections and calls for civil rights and police reform, the city is doubling down on its strategy of oppression and repression, and needs buses to make that strategy work.

Just one company answered that call, Vandalia Bus Lines.
I recently put through a Sunshine request showing the bidders, and in a world where transportation unions across the country are saying "enough" and no longer busing riot cops to harm the people of their communities, Vandalia is the only one saying "more please".
Please reach out to them at (618) 344-1272 and let them know they have a duty not just to their business but to the people of their community as well. It's not okay to make a buck facilitating this kind of harm.
You can follow @micahhainline.
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