Thread - 1/5 -
Here’s some #COVID-19 burden data per 1M population.

Case burden:
US 27K/1M
WI 39K/1M
IL 32K/1M
MN 25K/1M
MI 19K/1M
Death burden:
US 697/1M
IL 786/1M
MI 765/1M
MN 435/1M
WI 343/1M

Shows how Detroit/Chicago reall got hit hard early in pandemic.
2/5 - WI has identified significantly more cases of coronavirus compared to neighboring states and the country as a whole. This means we are testing more but likely not enough b/c our positivity rate is 25-35% consistently.
3/5 - When you look at how many cases of #Covid19 that result in a death, WI is fairing much better than our neighbors as well.

MI - 24 cases/death
IL - 41 cases/death
MN - 57 cases/death
WI - 113 cases/death
4/5 - These stats are based on pandemic-long data and not the recent 6 weeks where WI has been getting hit harder. But it puts into context how WI has faired through this. Obviously Detroit/Chicago are the reasons for IL/MI hardships.
5/5 - What we can say conservatively is that for roughly every 113 cases we confirm in WI, we will get a Covid related death.

WI has a 4,128 7 day case average. So the data would suggest ~256 deaths from this week’s case avg alone.

Context, cancer related deaths avg 210/week.
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