tl;dr // tma s5 discussion/analysis(?)
tw // apocalypse , end of the world

for me subjectively, tma s5 has been kind of a let down even without the most recent statement, and honestly i just personally feel like they haven’t done the fearpocalypse justice in a way??
they hyped it up as this whole “everything is changing and going wrong” event, and yet the fact that jon and martin are for plot reasons completely unaffected by it seems to dull that effect down.

as someone who’s grown up w dystopia and end of the world media, AS WELL AS
just fucking existing in 2020, it really uh. didn’t hit as much as i think it could have.

it’s like, i understand WHY for structural reasons they made that decision, but it feels like they sacrificed the potential the season as a whole had.
the statements ATTEMPT at showing the full effect of the apocalypse from the normal people, but honestly for the most part it doesn’t hit bc due to the structure of the show, it’s still just jon reading shit out.

the episodes in the past that have really hit with me as being
good at showing the atmosphere and mood of the situations the characters are in have all been ones where things have been happening live - the s1 and s3 finales, the buried episode w jon and daisy, etc.

essentially what i’m saying is that s5 would have been better if jonny had
dropped the anthology/statement structure and went full audio drama. the whole “jon has to read statements” thing was fine for seasons 3-4 but now that he’s literally in a world ran by his own fear god it doesn’t make sense that he still has to do it, at least not to me
again tl;dr // season 5 of tma hasn’t really reached its potential and it would be better if it was a full audio drama imo

(end of thread!)
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