☁️ describing pisces risings through the houses! ☁️ (a thread)
♓︎ 1H: With Pisces Risings, you can never really quite pin them. One person may say one thing about them, and another will say something completely different. It's weird because while they seem so distant from others, they have a vibe where you feel like you can trust them.
♈︎ 2H: The ability to be assertive and independent is what Pisces Risings use to measure their worth and judge their stability. They don't budge or listen to others when it comes to finances. They control their finances however they want, impulsive purchases included.
♉︎ 3H: Pisces Risings had an early environment and culture that always seemed to stay consistent. They can use their early environment and culture to ground themselves, but they can also be resentful of how stubborn and un-bending their culture can be too.
♊︎ 4H: Pisces Risings had a family that wanted them to get good grades and to know how to hold a good conversation. Why? Their family taught them that knowledge is valuable. However, their family sucked when they tried to explain feelings or anything that made no sense to them.
♋︎ 5H: Pisces Risings tend to not stray too far when it comes to trying new hobbies because you ideally like to feel safe with what you enjoy. For them, joy is a safe space. This could mean repeating the same movie and doing the same hobbies, especially on a bad day.
♌︎ 6H: Pisces Risings often get a lot of attention in the workplace, and can look for validation when they have their life together. After all, they define themselves by the little details of their everyday life, since such details can have tangible information about them.
♍︎ 7H: Pisces Risings seek a partner they find to be practical, organized, and put together. They tend to like considerate partners who like to think ahead, but they tend to dislike partners who can struggle to adjust to new situations due to unnecessary details.
♎︎ 8H: When it comes to power struggles, Pisces Risings believe that being as cordial as possible is the way to go. After all, they think that rudeness can be used against them. They can hide their true intentions with good manners and good social skills.
♏︎ 9H: Pisces Risings surprisingly have a jaded view of the world. They seek to see and know the world as it is. Due to this, they're often critical of the news and are likely to do their research before speaking, knowing who doesn't do their research well enough.
♐︎ 10H: It can be difficult for Pisces Risings to choose their career, mainly because they feel like they want to do everything. The idea of purpose is ambiguous to them and they feel like they shouldn't be limited to one job for the rest of their lives.
♑︎ 11H: Pisces Risings take their friendships seriously, only wanting friends who are mature and responsible. As a friend, they will try their hardest to keep you accountable and to be there for you through thick and thin. They are very selective about who they're friends with.
♒︎ 12H: Even though Pisces Risings can feel like they're far from everyone else, they can sometimes struggle to unpack feelings of alienation and isolation. They can struggle to imagine themselves completely alone, with no connections to see them as they are.
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